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On-Site vs. Mobile Truck Fleet Detailing: Which Is Better?

On-Site vs. Mobile Truck Fleet Detailing: Which Is Better?

On-Site vs. Mobile Truck Fleet Detailing: Which Is Better?

If you own a truck fleet, its maintenance and upkeep is your primary concern. You may have selected a detailing service that will best cater to your needs, but the question remains: should you use mobile truck fleet detailing or have it the traditional on-site way? In an effort to help you out, we have listed the pros and cons of both options.

On-Site Truck Fleet Detailing


  • Cost

On-site truck fleet detailing is a bit less expensive than mobile truck fleet detailing. All you have to do is take your fleet to the site and return to collect it once the job is complete. You won’t have to pay for travel costs, gas money, food expenses, etc. which sometimes come with mobile detailing.

  • No hindrance by weather conditions

On-site detailing, as opposed to mobile detailing, will be done in an enclosed space, thus the changing weather won’t affect your plans.


  • The hassle

Taking your whole fleet to another site and returning it back can be a grueling task, especially if the fleet is quite large.

  • Extra fuel bills

Taking your fleet to a different site and collecting it can augment your fuel expenses.

  • Risks

You and your company run extra risks for health issues and injuries while your drivers take the fleet to the detailer and then get it back.

Mobile Truck Fleet Detailing


  • Convenience

If you own a large fleet, then scheduling an appointment with a reputable mobile truck fleet detailing is the best option for you.

  • The availability of a water reclamation system

All mobile truck wash service providers are required by law to bring a water reclamation system to the detailing site. Thus, you won’t be violating any environment law. Plus, you get to play an important role in conserving water and protecting the environment.

  • Watch the team in action

This is an opportunity which on-site detailing won’t allow you. You can watch the detailing process and request additional services, if necessary. Also, if you’re still in the process of getting to know your detailers, this is your chance to keep an eye on everything to make sure you are getting your money’s worth.


  • It can be expensive

The convenience of mobile detailing comes with an expensive bill. The final bill will take into account the cost of gas, water, the reclamation system, extra pay for the employees, etc.

  • Additional water bills

While most mobile truck fleet detailers will bring their own water, there is a chance that you will be asked to provide your own. This is an additional expense, which on-site truck fleet detailing won’t incur.

  • Other drawbacks

Bad weather conditions will hinder the work of the detailers. This can lead to their inability to finish the job in a timely manner, or not at all. Truck detailers might forget a detailing product or equipment, resulting in their inability to complete the job.

Both options have their distinct pros and cons. Consider which service will provide you with more benefits. It is up to you to decide whether on-site or mobile detailing is the more convenient option for you.

Have you tried on-site or mobile truck fleet detailing? What was your experience like? Share it on DetailXPerts’ Facebook wall – we’ll be happy to join in the conversation!

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