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Things to Know about a Full Service Car Wash

Things to Know about a Full Service Car Wash

Things to Know about a Full Service Car Wash


Giving your car a full service car wash every now and then is a must if you want to keep it looking good and working well.

A full service car wash is not just an extended soapy bath for your vehicle. Some packages include interior cleaning plus a few extra services such as checking the fluid levels in your engine and air pressure in the tires. Others tack on additional charges for each extra service you request.

Ask questions before committing to the full service car wash

With so many different commercial car wash options in the market today, it’s important for you to know what you should and shouldn’t be getting with your money. Talk to the car wash attendant to find out what he intends to do with your car, and then check if these same things were actually done when the car is returned to you. At any rate, you should be clear about how much you will be paying for at the end of the day. Do not let the attendant run a free rein over the vehicle; otherwise he will be stacking up the prices and performing services that your car doesn’t really require yet.

If you are not familiar with commercial full service car wash packages—that is, if you prefer to do the washing yourself, right in your own garage—you should canvass the shops that offer the same in your area before scheduling an appointment.

Here are some considerations you might want to keep in mind while choosing the perfect full service car wash package that fits your budget and your preferences:

Hand wash vs. conveyor belt system

Most modern car wash facilities use automated systems for cleaning vehicles quickly and efficiently. For really dirty cars, it is recommended that a hand wash be performed to get rid of the crud and grime that has accumulated even in extra tight spaces, like the wheel wells and the door jambs.
A mechanical conveyor belt system is a good alternative if you’re in a hurry to get your car cleaned. All you have to do is to drive your car onto the conveyor belt system, and just let the machines do the work. Your car will be sparkling clean in five minutes or less.

Chemical cleansers vs. eco-friendly products

Before going with any one car wash facility, make sure that they use only cleaning products that effectively yet safely clean your car. Ask if there are environmentally-friendly cleansers available that can be used on your car. Chemical cleaning agents may not just harm the surface of your vehicle; they may also produce toxic runoff that can contaminate local water sources if not treated properly.

Some car wash shops also sell eco-friendly cleansers that you can use at home to keep your car’s exterior looking fresh and new. Inquire about these as well as it can really extend the effects of your professional full service car wash appointment.

Extra costs

Does your full service car wash already include wheel cleaning, engine degreasing, and interior vacuuming? If not, you might need to pay extra should you wish to avail yourself of these services as well. It is best to get a full service package with all the bells and whistles occasionally to really maintain your car’s great looks inside and out.


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